Saturday, August 14, 2010

blurry incoherence muddled into hopeful accomplishment

My ninth grade english teacher told us that there were two types of views on civilization: linear, or a continued, straight line progression with a positive slope, and cyclical, which generally has to do with a pattern of rising and falling. Like a sine graph.

That's how writing is for me. All of the last academic year has been a flurry of essays and journaling. And now it's summer - I have time to actually write?

I have done nothing for college applications...

...a bunch of incoherent notes in my ideas notebook...

...half-started blog posts...

...half finished quilt...

...half-finished books...

...and this is a half thought out point.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same. I write a whole lot one time, then suddenly stop. I should learn how to stop doing that and be more consistent.
